Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Testimonal from Matt BenDaniel

I bought my first bottle in November 2009 at Al Hanneman's beach volleyball event at Club Med Turkoise. I just wanted to tell you how great it is.

I use a portion of an eyedropper in my large water bottle for every workout, which I do 5 times per week. I use filtered tap water with Optimal Vertical. I train in three sports: volleyball, judo and table tennis.

This bottle looks small but is actually huge. I haven't even used half of it yet, three months in. So it's very economical. The small bottle is easy to travel with.

I think of Optimal Vertical like a sports drink, but with more complete electrolytes and without sweeteners. I don't like the taste of gatorade or similar products. I don't want sugar or artificial sweeteners.

I sometimes practice at facilities that disallow liquids in except water. Optimal Vertical is the perfect stealth sports drink.

Matt BenDaniel
Medford, MA